Free and Inexpensive Self-Care Ideas

Written By: Alexis Grant

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We constantly hear about how important self-care is in the media, but if you’re like me, sometimes it can be easy to brush off prioritizing yourself, especially if you’re stressed out with work or life in general. This isn’t okay, however, and I’m here to tell you that self-care is actually important, and you do deserve to take the time to pamper yourself. If you can’t take care of and love yourself, how can you take care of or love the people around you? Here are some easy self-care ideas that are cheap or free, so you can relax for a minute and take some “you” time!

  1. Meditate

Meditation is often overlooked, but it can be a really great way to relax, clear your mind, as well as improve your focus. There are several apps with guided meditation (my two favorites are Calm and Headspace), or you can look up guided meditation videos on Youtube.

  1. Take a hot shower or bath

This one might seem self-explanatory, but if you add some essential oils, candles, or your favorite bath salts/sea scrubs, a shower or bath can be a very luxurious event! Make it long, enjoy the shower steam, or if you’re taking a bath you can put on your favorite tv show in the background. 

  1. Read a book

Reading is a great way to escape and think about a storyline that’s different from your own. Clear your mind of your own worries, sit down with a good book and just relax! Reading can reduce stress, and you’ll continue to develop important comprehension and vocabulary skills that are so important to daily life. 

  1. Do yoga

Yoga is great for your physical health and incorporates meditation which improves mental health. You can either go to a yoga class in person or do this from home. My favorite way is to find Youtube videos! Since yoga is all about healing your mind and body through self-discovery and acceptance, it’s the perfect self-care activity. 

  1. Do a face mask 

Putting on a face mask while watching a movie or tv show on Netflix is one of my personal favorite self-care activities. This is an easy one, especially if you were planning on binge-watching something anyway. You can make your own face mask out of organic materials, or pick one up in a store! Just taking that time for you is what’s important. 

At the end of the day, self-care is all about doing what makes you happy and taking the time to care for and love yourself. These are just some of my favorite self-care activities, but self means something different to everyone! Don’t forget to take some time for yourself today and make yourself happy!

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